Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Carrot Cake

250ml vegetable oil 

150g brown sugar 
3 eggs 
500g coarsely grated sweet carrot (sweet, as oppose to bland. I like to use the Aussie medium-size carrots found in NTUC supermarkets that are "brandless".)
120g coarsely chopped walnuts (I crush the walnuts individually because I like coarser bits in the cake.)
375g self raising flour 
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 
2 tsp mixed spice
1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.

2. Grease a 9" x 9" pan and line with baking paper. 
3. Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and mixed spice together in a bowl. 

4. Whisk eggs and sugar on MED till thick and creamy.

5. Fold in the oil lightly. Don't worry if the oil doesn't bind into the mixture at this stage - because it won't. Therefore, you don't need to stir the mixture too long.

6. Fold in the carrot and the walnuts. Again, don't worry if the carrot and walnuts don't get mixed evenly; the mixture still won't bind well until you...
7. Add in the dry ingredients. In this case, add in a few spoonfuls at a time, until the batter is more or less even.

8. Pour mixture into the pan and bake for about 1hr or till cooked. Test using skewer. If the top is browning too fast, cover it loosely with foil.

9. Stand cake in pan for 5 minutes before turning onto wire rack. Turn cake top-side up to cool. 

By Brenda (

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