Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Frog Leg Recipe

STEP 1: The herb mix.
- Chop equal amounts by volume, basil, oregano/marjoram, thyme & parsley( preferably flat leaf ). Store in plenty of olive oil. Leftover can be used for other cooking.

STEP 2: The garnish.
- Toast/brown pinenuts.

STEP 3: The ingredients.
1 large onion( chopped )
4- 5 cloves garlic( chopped )
3- 4 tomatoes, preferably Roma( seeded & diced )
half a mug white wine or water
a wedge of lemon
quarter cube chicken stock( or fresh stock & replace the wine/water )
2 bay leaves
salt & coarsely ground black pepper to taste
4 tbsps butter

STEP 4: The frogs' legs.
- Season 1 kg frogs legs with salt, pepper & a little nutmeg. Dredge with flour and deep fry in very hot oil briefly till golden. Drain and set aside.

STEP 5: Finishing.
- Saute onions, bay leaves & garlic in butter followed by tomatoes. Dump in the wine/water/stock. Season with salt & black pepper. Throw in the fried frogs' legs. Squeeze over the lemon wedge. Turn heat off and stir in 1 - 2 tsps of the herb mix. Garnish with pinenuts.


STEP 1: The ingredients
8 - 10 slices old ginger
8 - 10 spring onions( seperate white from green, cut each into 2 cm lengths )
3 tbsps scallop sauce
a little water or stock
salt, pepper & some sugar to taste

STEP 2: The frogs' legs
- Season 1 kg of frogs' legs with light soy sauce, pepper, few drops sesame oil & dredge lightly with cornflour. Deep fry in very hot oil briefly till golden. Drain and set aside.

STEP 3: Finishing
- Saute ginger in some oil till fragrant and slightly browned. Add in the whites of spring onions followed by the scallop sauce. Throw in some water/stock & season to taste. Dump in the frogs' legs and enough spring onion greens. This isn't a saucy dish, hor!

NB: Keong choong can be turned into Sichuan. Soak 3 - 4 dried chillies. Seed and cut into 1 cm lengths. Fry in oil, drain. In the same oil, fry cashew nuts, drain, followed by the recipe. Lastly, throw in the chillies & cashews.

by curryman

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