Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hae Bee Hiam

About 30 dried chillies (I just take a plastic bag and use one hand to grab the amount, never check how much I bought...if u want less spicy use less of the chillies) 
3 or 4 slice of ginger (each slice about 3mm thick) 
about 6tbsp of water 
500 gram of dried shrimps 
50gm buah keras (candlenut) 
about 6-8 shallot 
about 6-8 garlic 
oil for fying 

1) Soak the dried chillies in tap water for about 2hours or till soft. Cut into smaller pieces, remove the seed. Drain away the water. 

2)Soak dried shrimps for 1hour with tap water, just to soften it abit. Drain away the water. 

3)Put half the dried chillies and 2 slice of ginger into blender add some water and blend into smooth paste, must be very fine paste, pour it into a bowl and blend the remaining half chillies with ginger and water till paste. 

4) Use a food processor or the chopper, scope about 1/3 of the dried shrimps, a few shallot, a few garlic, 1 or 2 candle nut and a few table spoon of chilli paste. Grind till fine, the shrimps should be very fine. Scope it into a big bowl. Repeat till finish all the shrimps. The hae bee hiam should be dry not wet. 

5)Heat up wok, pour about 1 cup of oil, put the uncooked hae bee hiam in it and fry it over medium low fire, too high heat will burn the dish. In between may need to add more oil in case the hae bee hiam looks too dry. It take about 20min to fry the dish. Fry until it turns draker red color, then should be ok.

by Jennifer

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