Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream


Recipe from Family Circle Mini Cookbooks - Kids' Snacks & Lunches 
1 tsp gelatine 
1 tbsp hot water 
2 tbsp sugar 
1 cup low-fat milk 
1 tsp vanilla essence 

1. Mix gelatine with water in bowl. Stand bowl in hot water; stir until gelatine dissolves. 

2. Put sugar and milk in medium heavy-based pan. Stir over medium heat without boiling until sugar has dissolved. Add gelatine mixture and essence, stir until well combined. Remove from heat. Pour into 18 X 27 cm shallow, oblong tin. Freeze. 

3. Scoop frozen mixture into large mixing bowl. Using electric beaters, beat until mixture is white and creamy and doubled in volume. Pour mixture into airtight container. Freeze until firm. Serve with fresh fruit. 

Note: Add 1/2 cup low-fat flavoured yoghurt in Step 3 if desired.

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