Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Steamed Banana Cake

1 ripe banana, mashed 
1 egg (substitute: 50ml milk/ water??) 
1 tsp oil 
2 tsp water 
2 tsp baking powder 
¼ cup icing sugar 
100g (close to 1 cup) all-purpose flour 
2 tbsp semi-sweet chocolate chips/ raisins (optional) 

1) Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl. 
2) Mix the ingredients with a fork until well blended. 
3) Bring a pot of water to a boil. Steam the cake on a rack for 15 to 18 minutes until a tester inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. 
4) Remove from the steamer and let the cake cool for a few minutes. Use a knife to loosen the sides of the cake and pop the cake out of the bowl. You may add some chocolate chips if you prefer. 

I tried making it and thougt it was pretty yummy (didn't really think it was too dense for a cake that didn't need beating), although I had to steam it for longer because I don't have a proper steamer or wok here and had to use a big pot which let steam leak out and the lid was flat so water could drip onto the cake which made mine quite sticky on the top. Try it and see what you think of it 

by Chow Times

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