Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Apple Soup (also good for cough)

3 Red apples (I prefer not to use China Fuji apples)
250g ribs/lean meat (blanched)
15g chinese almonds (2 南杏 : 1 北杏)
2 - 3 candied dates
3 dried figs (I used US dried figs, bigger and softer)
1000 ml water
Salt to taste (I did not add this)


    1. Peel and core apples, cut into wedges.
    2. Rinse chinese almonds, candied dates and dried figs.
    3. Blanch ribs/lean meat.
    4. Bring water to boil and add all ingredients. Using medium fire, bring water to boil again, reduce to small flame and simmer for 2 hours. Serve.
by Reena

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