Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Braised Pork Ribs ( 排骨)

have enuf water to cover the pork. add in soya sauce n dark soya sauce, throw in lotsa garlic cloves, ( i like garlic and add in abt 2 rice bowls or enuf to cover the pork..i usually buy $8-10 of pork ribs), 3tbsp of rock sugar. boil for 20min n put into thermal cooker. if simmer over low fire...i m not sure,,think it took me abt 1hr or more...until the pork is tender..this is usually so when the water thickens to gravy-like consistency..if u use pork belly dun slice , put in whole piece..slice only when u wanna eat it..drizzle gravy on it.

by alix

its like cooking pork belly, adding 1-2 tsp dark soy sauce, 2-3 tbsp light sauce, few slice ginger,one cinammon, a few clove, a pc star anise, water should cover the meat. After boil, turn to slow fire and contiune to boil for at least 45min or till meat soft add sugar to taste, best is to boil a few hour earlier before meal time, let the meat absorb the sauce, then reboil it when meal time, taste better this way.
By Jennifer

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