Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Local Achar recipe

The following veggies( except cabbage ) to be scalded briefly in boiling vinegared water( 2 parts water, 1 part vinegar ):

2 kgs Jap or Eng cucumbers( seeded and cut into batons )
500g cauliflower( flowerettes )
500g cabbage( squares )
200g carrots( strips )
200g fine frenchbeans( halved or left whole depending on fineness )
2 - 3 red capsicums( seeded and cut into batons )


10 or more shallots
5 candlenuts or 6 - 8 macadamias
1 tbsp old ginger
1 - 2 lemongrass( white part only )
1.5 tbsp turmeric powder
3 - 4 tbsp chilli flakes or 1.5 - 2 tbsp chilli powder
half tsp white pepper powder

- In a stainless steel wok/pot, stir fry this mixture in some oil till fragrant before adding 300 ml vinegar, 300 g sugar and half tbsp salt. Dump in the veggies, stir till coated and heated through. Turn off the heat. Ignore it and leave to turn watery. Roughly sieve out the veggies and reduce the remaining liquid till thick and dryish. Return the veggies, stir to coat and dish out. 

Before serving, garnish with toasted sesame seeds and chopped roasted peanuts according to taste.

By Curryman

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