Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Butter rice recipe

Here goes:
Rice (wash & strain)
3tbsp salted butter
1 tin evaporated milk
a knot of pandan leaves
ginger, bombay onion, garlic
cinnamon, cardamon, start anise

fried shallots, mint/coriander, cashew nuts to garnish 

For my own family, I don't use much butter. For guests, I will be more generous for better taste and colour. I usually start by melting the butter and frying the aromatics & spices. Then I add rice and give it a quick fry. Finally, add the knotted pandan, milk and water.

For garnishing, fresh fried shallots is a must. The rest are optional. I have tried adding finely chopped serai (only the white part), dates and raisins. 


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