Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Crab BeeHoon

2 nos. of Crabs (about 900g - 1kg) - washed, cut up 
1 thumbsized young ginger - sliced 
1 onion - sliced 
a handful cloves of garlic (I use a lot :D ) - sliced 
2 cups of water 
butter, oil, pepper, dash of salt 

1 packet of coarse beehoon - soaked in warm water 
4 cups of chicken or ikan bilis soup stock 
a handful of Chye-Sim ( washed, cut) 
2 teaspoons of fish sauce (or soya sauce) 
2 or more Tablespoons of Chinese cooking wine 
pepper, sesame oil 
1 egg - lightly beaten 
sprigs of parsley & spring onions - cut into lengths 

- In a wok, place a little oil + butter, fry the ginger, onions and some garlics till a fragrant. Add in the crabs. Season with salt pepper. 

- Add in about 2 cups of water. Cover & let simmer for 2 minutes till crabs turned red. Dish up the crabs + whatever is in the wok, set aside. 

- Using a claypot or wok, heat some oil, fry balance garlics till fragrant. Add in the soften beehoon. Season with fish sauce, pepper & 2 cups of soup stock. 
Using chopsticks, toss & mix beehoon well into the stock. 

- Add in the chye sim, pile the dish of crabs on top of beehoon. Drizzle Chinese cooking wine & remainder of soup stocks. Cover & cook for about 3 minutes or so (or till the consistency you want - more stock, add water. Tastier, add seasoning). Add in a lightly beaten egg. 

- Lastly, sprinkle the parsley & spring onions and dashes of sesame oil. Done!

by ma-li

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