Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ground Ikan Bilis

1)take out the head and inner "organ" (black colour) - sorry don't know what it call. You can also buy those which has "de-boned", just a bit more expensive. 

2) Wash it

3) Bake it until crispy.

4) Pound it.

5) Cool it.

6) Keep it in the air tight bottle and put it in the fridge (not freezer).
By MrsSeah

1. Buy the deboned ikan bilis.
2. Rinse to remove excess salt.
3. Pat dry with kitchen towel paper.
4. Microwave at 1 minute and thereafter 10 second intervals until crispy.
5. Put it in a food processor/blender to pulverise it into powder.
6. Store in an airtight container.

I keep it on the kitchen counter because I make a very small amount and it's dried goods. Besides, I use it quite fast - within a week. But you can keep it in the fridge too, if you're concerned.
By Brenda

I washed and then dry them.

Next, dry roast them in my wok, grind with food processor till fine. Store in airtight container and keep it in the fridge.
by Elisa77

I use the microwave too but I skipped the drying part. Just wash/rinse and drain, then mw on high for 1 - 2 mins, remove and stir to break it up, mw for another min, remove and stir again. Return to mw for another 30s - 60s. Leave to cool before processing into powder. Keep in glass jar on counter top. If I make more, I prefer to keep it in the fridge.
by Reena

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