Wednesday, August 31, 2011

La La/Twa Tao recipe

2 tbsp oil 
2 tbsp minced garlic 
2 tbsp chopped chinese parsley 
1/2 bottle White cooking wine/ hua tiao (Buy the white cooking wine from cold storage is alot cheaper than using hua tiao) 
3 tbsp singlong brand sambal balecan (u can also use your homemade sambal balacan) 
8 chilli padi 
Dash of pepper 
Salt to taste if you are using your own sambal chilli. 
1 big bowl of washed clams 
1 tbsp cornflour + 1 tbsp water mixture 

Heat wok with oil 
Fry garlic & parsley till fragrant but do not brown it. 
Add Chilli padi to fry for awhile 
Add in clams to stir for about 1 min 
Pour in 1/2 bottle of cooking wine and cover the wok & let it cook on medium heat for 4-5mins(or till all clams are opened) 
Add in sambal balecan. 
Add in cornflour mixture and stir for less than 1min. 

Dish & serve. 

by Mandy

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