Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Red & Black Tilapia

To remove their earthy smell, rub all over with tamarind juice, leave to act for a few minutes and then thoroughly wash.

Grilling ideas:

- score and marinate with salt, pepper, turmeric and some chilli flakes.
- score and stuff with chilli paste( dried chillies+fish sauce+shallots+kafir lime leaves/rind ). Season the outside with a little salt and pepper.
- score, grill in oven, paint with teriyaki sauce and continue grilling and painting as you wish.

Baking ideas:

- score, season with black pepper and dill. Wrap in foil or baking parchment along with bay leaves, butter, cream of mushrooms, added mushrooms, leeks and onions.
- score, season with curry powder and fish sauce. Arrange onion slices, shredded ginger, chopped garlic, cherry tomatoes, aubergine slices in between and around. Drizzle with olive oil and bake uncovered till done. Squeeze lemon juice.
- filet, pour over a bechamel sauce, sprinkle black pepper and parmesan and bake till bubbling and done. Filets can be seasoned with coriander powder, white pepper, shallots and garlic for an Oriental touch. Instead of parmesan, whisk an egg with some bechamel and pour this over in the last 10 mins to brown.

Steaming ideas:

- score, stuff with bruised lemongrass, season with light soy sauce and steam. Fry some sliced lemongrass in oil till brown and pour this oil over the just steamed fish.
- score and season with pounded taucheo+ fresh red chillies+ginger+garlic. Steam till done and pour on some shallot oil.

by Curryman

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