Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Star Fruit & Pear Soup

2 star fruits 
5 Chinese pears 雪梨 
12 water chestnuts 
4 honey dates 蜜枣 
300g beef or pork 
1 small piece of tangerine peel 
salt to taste 


1) Wash the fruits, cut into pieces. 
2) Peel water chestnuts. Rinse honey dates & water chestnuts. 
3) Wash the beef or pork, scald with hot boiling water. 
4) Bring suitable amount water to a boil. Add all ingredients & bring it to a boil. Then turn to low heat & cook for 2 hours. Season with salt. Serve. 
** Or you may cook this in a slow cooker on high heat for 2½ - 3 hours. 

This soup helps in liver-'qi' and quench thirst. 

by ma-li

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