Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tsukune (つくね) (Chicken Meatball)


For meat balls :
300g Chicken, remove skin and fats, deboned and minced (I used drumsticks, thigh and breast meat)
1/4 White Onion, chopped finely (optional)
2 Eggs, medium sized
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 Tbsp Plain Flour
1 Tbsp Corn Flour
7 tbsp bread crumbs (panko)
1 inch section of ginger, grated and extract juice

For sauce たれ :
4 Tbsp Sake
5 Tbsp Shoyu
2 Tbsp Mirin
2 Tbsp Sugar
1 Tsp corn flour
2 Tsp water

1. Soak skewer in water before preparing ingredients.

2. Mix all ingredients for meat balls in a bowl and set aside for 20 minutes.

3. In a pot, add 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Wet your hands and shape the meat balls into desired size and drop them into boiling water.

4. Cook for about 7 minutes or when the meatballs float to the surface. Remove and drain.

5. Preheat oven to 200 deg.C. When meatballs are cool to touch, skewer them, 3 to 4 balls in 1 stick. Grill the meatballs, turning them after 4 to 5 minutes. Brush the sauce and grill. Repeat process at least twice. Remove and serve with shichimi (七味) powder or serve as is.

Note : It can be shaped into balls then skewered or it can be pan fried as patties.

by reirei

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