Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Indian mutton soup

½ kilo of mutton – I used rib part.
3 potatoes – cut into quarters
4 tablespoons of oil
7-8 cups of water
Salt to taste

Grind into smooth paste:
2 slices ginger
3-4 cloves of garlic
2 onions

Ingrediants for frying:
1 stick cinnamon
3-4 cloves
2-3 cardamoms

Spices to marinate the meat:

4 tablespoons of coriander powder
1 teaspoon cumin powder
2 teaspoon white poppy seed powder ( kas kas)
2 teaspoon white pepper

( You can get the soup spices from the Indian spices stall, just ask for rempah soup mixture and use about 4-5 tablespoons of it. Reduce it if you want the soup not so spicy)

For Garnishing
Chopped spring onions and chinese parsley
Fried onions- (peel, and slice thinly the shallots and fry till golden brown and drain.)

1) Heat oil, stir in the ingrediants for frying until aromatic, then add in the ginger/garlic/onion paste. Sautee till slightly change colour.
2) Add in the meat with all the marinated spice and stir well.
3) Pour in the water, and let the meat cook till tender before adding the potatoes.
4) Garnish with fried shallot and chopped spring onions and parsley. Serve hot.

by Jam

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