Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Japanese (cold) tofu


1 silky tofu (standard size packed tofu from supermarket) 
1 century egg (diced or cut into wedges) 
2 crabsticks 
sesame oil 
½ tbsp light soy sauce (I used soya suace with dried bonita extract from Daiso) 
spring onion for garnish (optional) 

Remove tofu from container and wash it clean under slow running water. Drain well and place it on a plate. Chill it in the refrigerator. You can prepare this half an hour ahead. 

To prepare the dressing, mix light soy sauce and a dash of sesame oil. Taste and season according to your preferred taste. 

Pour the dressing over the tofu, topped with crabstick and century egg. Garnish with chopped spring onions and serve. 

by Jelibean

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