Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kaya Recipes

Use part of the 500g coconut milk to blend with 3 stalks of pandan leaves to extract the pandan essence and get the green colour. Sieve through using a strainer. Mix this blended mixture together with the rest of the coconut milk. 

Dump everything into the bread maker and put in more pandan leaves (I use about 8 - 10 stalks, agar agar the amount). Set to Jam function and when the done, blend it using a blender. 

I normally use the recipe x 2 and use 1.5 cycle of the jam function. 

You can substitute half the amount of sugar with gula melaka to get a richer taste. The end result will be brown colour type of kaya. 

Caramel half of the sugar with low heat over the stove. The end result will be orangy type of kaya. 


Ingredients: (in bracket will be the amount for x2 recipe, you will get 10 small tubs - pix of the container can be seen from my pix in photo gallery) 

8 egg yolks (16 egg yolks) 
4 egg whites (8 egg whites) 
250g pandan sugar (I only use 450g of sugar for x2 recipe) 
500g coconut cream (1000g coconut milk) 
small pinch of salt 


1. Beat egg yolks with 3 tbsps each of pandan sugar and coconut cream. Refrigerate. 

2. Whisk egg whites till stiff but not dry. Refrigerate. 

3. Bring remaining coconut cream, pandan sugar and salt to a light boil whisking all the time. Turn the heat down to a scant simmer and continue cooking,stirring with the whisk for 30 mins or more to concentrate the mixture. 

4. Remove pan from the heat and stir in 2 - 3 tbsps of the contents into the egg yolk mixture to temper it. Pour the egg yolk mixture into the pan and stir to blend well. 

5. Cook this over a very low heat( not even a simmer )stirring all the time with the whisk till it's thick and opague. 

6. Remove pan from the heat. Re-whisk the egg whites a little to make sure it's still stiff and then incorporate it into the warm mixture. You'll get a mousse like consistency. 

7. Return the pan to the heat and continue stirring and scraping the sides of the pan with a plastic scraper, slowly cooking till the "mousse" disappears and converts into a condensed milk like texture. 

8. Leave the kaya to cool down a little before scraping it into a container. Refrigerate uncovered to prevent water condensation. Cover once cold. 


- If using canned cream, lightly caramelise 2 tbsps of the sugar first before proceeding with step 3. 

- This kaya is best left to mature overnight or a couple of days in the fridge. The texture and fragrance will be different by then. 

- This is a smooth gooey kaya, not the custard like grainy traditional kaya.

by mrslim2000

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