Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Steamed Man Tou

Makes 6-8 

Dough Starter : 
100g water 
A pinch of salt 
135g cake/superfine flour, sifted 
45g pau flour, sifted 
1 tsp instant yeast (lastly, put the yeast on top of the flour, do not touch water) 

Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Mix and knead (by hand or by mixer) until dough is smooth and elastic. (for my case, i will add all ingredients into the breadmachine to make the dough) 

Place dough in an oiled bowl and covered with cling film. Prove for 11/2-2 hour until dough is double in volume. 

Divide dough to 70g portions. Reserve one portion for this recipe and store the rest in an air tight container and freeze. Thaw to room temperature the next time you want to use the dough starter. 
(for my case, i will steam all man tou together and freeze the steamed man tou. the next time i wan to eat, i will re-steam the frozen man tou directly from the fridge)

By mango

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